What is a quantitative study? Illustrated by two case studies from the energy sector

Understanding trends in the evolving energy sector is essential. This article offers a detailed analysis of the quantitative research methods used by HEC Consulting. Two significant assignments in the energy sector will also be highlighted. Find out how our quantitative studies provide accurate insights for professionals.

What is a Quantitative Study?

HEC Consulting's quantitative studies adopt a robust methodology that aims to survey a large number of respondents to obtain results that are statistically representative of the target population. Unlike qualitative approaches, our studies rely on precise questionnaires, limited to 5 minutes per response, to guarantee both efficiency and accuracy. For example, a typical question might ask, on a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied you are with an energy supplier's customer service.

These questionnaires, administered in the street or via our call center, enable efficient collection of quantifiable data to identify general trends in the . The population can be defined as the group of people with whom we will administer the questionnaires. It must be representative of the initial parent population. It is therefore calculated using mathematical formulas, with a standard margin of error (5%). This quantitative approach gives our customers a clear, quantified view of the opinions, needs and behaviors of the population under study, facilitating informed decision-making guided by tangible data.

HEC Consulting carries out more than a dozen quantitative studies every year, providing our customers with in-depth analyses and meaningful recommendations. Each quantitative study is meticulously planned and executed, benefiting from the rigorous methodology employed by our interviewers.

To illustrate our approach in concrete terms, let's take a closer look at two recent assignments in the energy sector.

Example 1: Awareness Assessment and Communication Strategy for CWaPE

The Commission wallonne de l'Energie (CWaPE), as a key player in the regional electricity market, collaborated with HEC Consulting to assess its brand awareness and develop a targeted communications strategy. The quantitative study, conducted via telephone questionnaires administered by our experienced interviewers, aimed to provide an in-depth response to the specific needs, expectations, opportunities and requests that players have of SRME. This rigorous methodology also explored the degree of knowledge of SRME, the level of appreciation of its image, the proximity of actors to target people, the contact links between actors, as well as sources of information and communication regarding legal clarification. By adopting an exhaustive approach, this quantitative study has provided usable figures that have greatly helped guide CWaPE in strengthening its position and services.

Example 2: Satisfaction and awareness survey for an influential player in the energy sector

HEC Consulting conducted two major quantitative studies in Belgium for a major customer in the energy renovation sector. In the first assignment, our team focused on customer satisfaction. The client wanted an in-depth analysis of the services provided by several of its production centers. HEC Consulting drew up questionnaires administered via telephone calls, ensuring that the target population was representative. By analyzing and cross-referencing responses, the team identified variations in satisfaction between centers, offering strategic recommendations for optimizing services.

In a second study, the client wanted to understand the reputation of its company in the energy renovation market. HEC Consulting carried out an in-depth survey, interviewing people on the street in various Belgian cities. Based on the law of large numbers, 385 people had to be interviewed to be representative of the whole of Belgium, with a margin of error of 5%. In fact, there's no point questioning millions of Belgians, as you'd get the same results as if you questioned fewer people. The results provided a detailed picture of brand recognition, effective communication channels, and elements influencing customer choice. These insights helped the client adjust its strategy to strengthen its competitive position.

The impact of quantitative research on strategic decisions

More than simply collecting data, HEC Consulting's quantitative studies have a significant impact on its customers' strategic decisions, whether in the energy, finance, healthcare or other sectors. By providing in-depth, representative analyses of the population, these studies guide clients towards informed choices, promoting better adaptation to market dynamics.

Discover our range of qualitative and quantitative studies by exploring our complete range of services: Solutions - HEC Consulting (heccg.com)



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